maanantai 2. tammikuuta 2012

Historiaa nimen takana

Jumihan on alunperin Unkarista tuotu poikanen enkä tiedä millä perusteella kennelinpitäjät ovat valinneet nimensä mutta kävi ilmi kuukkelissa, että Fianna on myös Irlannin mytologiassa sotilasjoukko.

"Fianna was a warrior band, established to protect the high king of Ireland and the kingdom. It was generally called Fianna Éireann."

Tarina ei lopu siihen. Tämän lisäksi tässä sotilasjoukkueessa oli sotilas nimeltä Oscar.

"Oscar was the son of Oisín (Oisin) and Eibhir, and the grandson of Finn.

Oscar was the strongest and fiercest fighter of the Fianna. Oscar appeared frequently in battles. In his first battle, he was in love with Níam, the daughter of Áed Donn, who was king of Ulster. But Níam was betrothed to Áed, the son of King Fidach of Connacht. Áed received aids from Ulster and Leinster in the war against the Fianna. In the fighting, Oscar beheaded Áed, and also killed Áed Donn and Baetán, the king of Leinster. Oscar won Níam.

In Bruidhean Chaorthainn (Fairy Palace of the Quicken Trees), Oscar swept off the head of Sinsar, the King of the World, in the battle on the ford of Shannon.

In the Fianna was defeated in the Battle of Gabhra. Oscar killed Cairbre, high king of Ireland in single combat, but he was also mortally wounded in this encounter.

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